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About Us

Camp Gurmat is a unique retreat for Sikh Youth and allows them to engage in a collective reflection on our history and tradition. These few days away from home will provide the opportunity for young minds to begin a personal journey with the Guru.

Let us come together to build positive life-long experiences and lasting impressions.
The first Camp Gurmat was organized in December 2011 on the inspiring theme of Sahibzadey. It was a new experience for the team to setup an all outdoor fun filled and enriching camp for Sikh youth from ages 7 to 21. For five days, the camp site was filled with thoughts about Guru Gobind Singh, Mata Gujri Ji, and chaar Sahibzadey. The success of the first camp motivated the team to move forward with the idea of having an annual theme based camp. The goal is to build experiences year-on-year.


Provide experiences that shape and expand the Sikh commitment of our next generation. Free from all distractions, kids live, learn, play, and work together, and are creatively challenged to make decisions resulting in changed lives.



Camp Gurmat envisions a world in which each and every Sikh acts to make the most of life for themselves and becomes role model for everyone around them by following path illustrated by our Gurus.

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